Must-see attractions in Wicker Park, Bucktown & Ukrainian Village

  • St Nicholas Ukrainian Catholic Cathedral

    Wicker Park, Bucktown & Ukrainian Village

    Take a minute to wander past St Nicholas, which is the less traditional of the neighborhood’s main Ukrainian churches. Built in 1913, its 13 domes…

  • Polish Museum of America

    Wicker Park, Bucktown & Ukrainian Village

    If you don’t know Pulaski from a pierogi, this is the place to get the scoop on Polish culture. Founded in 1935, it’s one of the oldest ethnic museums in…

  • Ukrainian Institute of Modern Art

    Wicker Park, Bucktown & Ukrainian Village

    Founded in 1971, this collection acts as the westernmost anchor to a string of West Town art galleries. Two rooms display a permanent collection of…

  • Ukrainian National Museum

    Wicker Park, Bucktown & Ukrainian Village

    Across from one of the Ukrainian Village's larger churches, this small museum packs in a massive amount of information about the history, culture and…

  • Intuit: The Center for Intuitive & Outsider Art

    Wicker Park, Bucktown & Ukrainian Village

    Behold this small museum's collection of naive and outsider art from Chicago artists, including rotating mixed-media exhibits and watercolors by famed…

  • Nelson Algren's House

    Wicker Park, Bucktown & Ukrainian Village

    On the 3rd floor of this apartment building writer Nelson Algren created some of his greatest works about life in the once down-and-out neighborhood. A…

  • Wicker Park

    Wicker Park, Bucktown & Ukrainian Village

    The neighborhood's favorite green space is home to softball fields, a children's water playground, a winter ice rink, an active dog park, and indoor and…

  • Flat Iron Building

    Wicker Park, Bucktown & Ukrainian Village

    Galleries, studios and workshops fill the landmark Flat Iron Building, with contemporary painters, realist photographers, digital animators, pop-art…

  • Holy Trinity Russian Orthodox Cathedral

    Wicker Park, Bucktown & Ukrainian Village

    This church looks like it was scooped straight out of the Russian countryside and deposited here. But famed Chicago architect Louis Sullivan actually…

  • Document Gallery

    Wicker Park, Bucktown & Ukrainian Village

    Document organizes exhibitions of contemporary photography, film and media-based works by emerging national and international artists. It shares its large…

  • Monique Meloche Gallery

    Wicker Park, Bucktown & Ukrainian Village

    One of Chicago's tastemakers, Monique Meloche has an eye for emerging artists, such as Amy Sherald, who painted Michelle Obama's official portrait. Her…

  • Sts Volodymyr & Olha Church

    Wicker Park, Bucktown & Ukrainian Village

    This church was founded by traditionalists from nearby St Nicholas cathedral, who broke away over liturgical differences and built this showy church in…