When the peanut gallery starts moaning, ‘Are we there yet?’, you know it’s time to head to ·¡°ù±è²õ²õ³Ù²¹Ã°¾±°ù, the perfect place to stretch your legs. Like a mirage for sweet-toothed wanderers, this dairy farm on the gorgeous Rte 60 (between Búðardalur and the Ring Road; with high mountain valleys, streams and waterfalls) specialises in delicious homemade ice cream (400kr). You can tour the farm, greet the buxom bovines, chickens, rabbits and even guinea pigs, then gorge on a scoop.
The farm also sells skyr (yoghurt-like dessert) and cheese; try the rocket-shaped skyr-konfekt (meant to look like an udder), a delicious dessert made with a hard white chocolate shell encasing thick skyr. It’ll blow you away.
·¡°ù±è²õ²õ³Ù²¹Ã°¾±°ù also offers a rental house (from 26,000kr; linen 1000kr per person) for those contemplating ice cream for breakfast…