Must-see attractions in Churchill

  • The Eskimo Museum in Churchill, Canada. The town is known as the .Polar Bear capital of the world.

    Itsanitaq Museum


    This one-room museum showcases an exceptional collection of Inuit carvings made of whalebone, soapstone and caribou antler, as well as millennia-old…

  • Cape Merry


    A lone cannon behind a crumbling wall is all that's left of the battery built at Cape Merry, 2km northwest of town. It's an incredibly beautiful location…

  • Wapusk National Park


    Established primarily to protect polar bear maternity denning sites (wapusk is Cree for 'white bear') and critical habitats for waterfowl and shore birds,…

  • Fort Churchill


    Amid the undulating rocks, late-season ice and scraggy, stunted trees looms a Cold War relic. Just north of the airport, Fort Churchill was Canada's Cape…

  • Polar Bear Jail


    Located in a former aircraft hangar near the airport, this secure facility serves as holding center for problem polar bears who repeatedly turn up in…

  • York Factory National Historic Site


    Around 250km southeast of Churchill and impossibly remote, this HBC trading post, near Hayes River, was an important gateway to the interior and active…

  • Parks Canada Museum


    There's a small museum and nature center in the train station along with the Parks Canada info desk. It has a good model of the fort and excellent nature…

  • Miss Piggy


    Out toward the airport lies the wreck of a Curtiss C-46 freight plane that crashed here in 1979 after developing engine trouble, but without a single…